
The current introduction to my package development workshops

I somewhat regularly teach about package development. One recent example was a workshop for rOpenSci champions. I am improving my teaching over time (thankfully 😅) but one thing I have down by now is the intro, which is mostly my throwing together my favorite quotes about R package development! Let me write it up. Where I explain why people shouldn’t flee the workshop After boasting a bit (a.k.a. sharing my package development creds to introduce myself), I answer three retorical questions:

How I Taught Scientific Blogging with R Markdown, Online

Last week I had the pleasure to lead an online course about “Scientific Blogging with R Markdown”, invited by Najko Jahn and Anne Hobert from SUB Göttingen. To follow the example set by the incredible Alison Hill, I’ll write a summary of what I’ve learnt and would like to do better next time. The topic The topic of the course was “Scientific Blogging with R Markdown”. For months I would sometimes write down some ideas, from “present distill” to “show web developer console”, that I had whilst reading things online.