Talks & tutorials

: slides; : recording; : materials; : blog post(s).

Être un•e utilisateur•rice de R résilient•e

Apprendre R est une excellente idée pour réaliser différentes tâches au travail. Cependant, même une fois passé·e au-delà de “Bonjour Monde”, vous continuerez régulièrement à avoir des problèmes dans R… Triste constat ? Non, car vous apprendrez aussi à devenir un·e utilisateur·rice de R résilient·e ! Dans cette présentation je partagerai des astuces à cet effet : comment suivre les nouveautés de R sans se sentir submergé·e ; et comment et où demander de l’aide efficacement.

Blogging with R Markdown

Are you an R user? Would you like sharing more online? How about starting a new blog, with R Markdown (Rmd)? In this 2-hour course with live coding, we’ll go on two short adventures: setting up a scientific Rmd blog with the Distill framework and the distill package setting up a scientific Rmd blog with the Hugo website generator and the blogdown package (and discussing the hugodown package)

All things R

I was interviewed by Peter Schmidt on the RSE Stories podcast created by Vanessa Sochat. You can listen to the 26 minute long episode. Thanks Peter for the invitation and interview!

Blogging with R Markdown

Are you an R user? Would you like sharing more online? How about starting a new blog, with R Markdown (Rmd)? In this 2-hour course with live coding, we’ll go on two short adventures: setting up a scientific Rmd blog with the Distill framework and the distill package setting up a scientific Rmd blog with the Hugo website generator and the hugodown package (and discussing the blogdown package)

Become an R Package Developer!

“Develop an R package”, they said… What does this even mean? In this session with a live demo, we shall demystify the creation of an R package. R packages are mostly well-organized folders, and there are automatic tools to help. Let’s dive into the wonders of usethis! We shall also see why to create a package (or not). We shall furthermore explain how to improve your R package and your own package development skills.