Talks & tutorials

: slides; : recording; : materials; : blog post(s).

Become an R Package Developer!

R packages are an ideal way to package and distribute R code and data for re-use by others. In this session, with a live demo, we shall demystify the creation of an R package using automated tools like usethis. We will also uncover why to create a package (or not), how to improve your R package and your package development skills. The session will also highlight how to solve the challenges you will encounter in developing an R package.

Become an R Package Developer!

“Develop an R package”, they said… What does this even mean? In this session with a live demo, we shall demystify the creation of an R package. R packages are mostly well-organized folders, and there are automatic tools to help. Let’s dive into the wonders of usethis! We shall also see why to create a package (or not). We shall furthermore explain how to improve your R package and your own package development skills.