Talks & tutorials

: slides; : recording; : materials; : blog post(s).

Our package reviews in review!

rOpenSci is a community of researchers and software developpers working together to provide better R tooling, mostly packages, for reproducible and open science. Some of these packages are contributed by staff, others by community members. In order to ensure quality of packages in the suite, rOpenSci onboards packages from the community by having them undergo an open review process on GitHub. In this talk, you’ll get introduced to this onboarding system.

R package development

This hands-on workshop will allow you to transform a bunch of R functions into an R package. You’ll also learn how to make it usable and used! We’ll assume you can write functions, and a basic familiarity with Git & GitHub. Here is what we’ll learn: Why develop a package? What is in a package? devtools workflow to create a package Automatic tools for improving a package, from R CMD Check to linting

Using an R package as platform for harmonized cleaning of data from RTI MicroPEM air quality sensors

RTI MicroPEM is a small particulate matter personal exposure monitor, increasingly used in developed and developing countries. Each measurement session produces a csv file which includes a header with information on instrument settings and a table of thousands of observations of time-varying variables such as particulate matter concentration, relative humidity. Files need to be processed for 1) generating a format suitable for further analysis and 2) cleaning the data to deal with the instruments shortcomings.