Possum magic: mapping an Australian children's book
Our brand-new baby received a fantastic picture book as a gift: Possum magic, a classic for Aussie kids. Thanks, Miles! In that book, Hush the possum and her Grandma Poss encounter different Australian animals and travel across well eat their way through the country. It is an adorable story with great illustrations! Reading it will make you feel like travelling to Australia, for instance to useR! 2018, except you shouldn’t because it is a very scary country:
Rough night with 👶. ☕ was a good start but it was the balcony 🐍 capture and release that really 💓
— Miles McBain (@MilesMcBain) 25 d’agost de 2017
However, you can travel and learn geography without leaving the comfort of a snake-free home… by mapping Hush’s adventures! Which is what I decided to do.