
Are #python users more likely to get into Slytherin?

This post requires some familiarity with the Harry Potter books but I’m committed to making this blog friendly to everyone, even Muggles/Nomajes.

Have you seen Mark Sellors’ blog post series about writing command line utilities in R? It’s a great one but I was a bit puzzled by his using randomness to assign houses in his sorting hat example (he added a new method based on name digest-ing in the meantime).

This prompted a reply by David Hood who later came up with R code to assign you to a Hogwarts house based on your Twitter activity!

I was thrilled to see David Hood’s sorting hat Github repo and thought it’d be the perfect occasion to answer that fascinating question: are #python users more likely to get into Slytherin than #rstats users?

Another note: I do not care about any Python vs. R fights except for Quidditch games, so go away trolls.