hrbrpkgs: list Bob Rudis' packages
Recently I needed to count lines of code for a project at work work (this is an expression of the person honored in this post), and happened to discover that Bob Rudis had started an R package wrapping the Perl CLOC script. Of course! He has packages for a lot of things! And he’s always ready to help: after I asked him a question about the package, and made a pull request to renew its wrapped CLOC script, he made it all pretty and ready-to-go!
He himself defined his Stack Overflow Driven-Development (SODD) workflow in a blog post: someone will ask him a question on Stack Overflow, and he’ll write a long answer eventually becoming a package, that will or will not make it to CRAN… Which is the motivation of this blog post. How can I output a list of all packages Bob has on GitHub?
Combine your hex stickers with magic(k)
Hex stickers remind me of Pogs, except they’re cooler because you can combine them together! Some people do that very smartly.
Now when I forget how to do an #rstats analysis I can just check the back of my laptop #runconf16
— David Robinson (@drob) 1 d’abril de 2016
I’ve got a pretty random hex stickers combination on my laptop, but after all it could be worse…
My boyfriend decided he is post-hex / post-#tidyverse
— Hilary Parker (@hspter) 13 de setembre de 2017
Now since I’m a magick
/collage fan, you can bet I’ve wondered how to use R in order to combine stickers automatically! Say I have a bunch of sticker PNGs, how could I produce a map to design my laptop style? Read to find out more…
Galentine's day cards
Remember the nascent series of blog posts about Parks and recreation? Well, we’re still at one post, but don’t worry, here is a new one, and I’m sure the series will eventually be a real one. I’m looking at you, my R-Ladies friends. That said, today is not a day for passive agressive hints, because I’ve decided it’s Galentine’s day and I’ll show you how to craft cards for your R-Ladies friends from your R prompt!
Rainbowing a set of pictures
I’ve now done a few collages from R using magick
: the faces of #rstats Twitter, We R-Ladies with Lucy D’Agostino McGowan, and a holiday card for R-Ladies. The faces of #rstats Twitter and holiday card collages were arranged at random, while the We R-Ladies one was a mosaic forming the R-Ladies logo. I got the idea to up my collage skills by trying to learn how to arrange pics by their main colour, like a rainbow. The verb rainbow doesn’t exist, and “rainbowing” doesn’t mean ordering by colour, but I didn’t let this stop me.
It was the occasion to grab some useful knowledge about colours, not useless for someone who did not even know about Pantone’s Colors of the Year a few weeks ago…
This post has nothing to do with Kesha’s new album. However, you can listen to it while reading since it’s so good, but maybe switch to something older from her when I use “$”.
Cheer up, Black Metal Cats! Bubblegum Puppies
Do you know the Black Metal Cats Twitter account? As explained in this great introduction, it “combines kitties with heavy metal lyrics”. I know the account because I follow Scott Chamberlain who retweets them a lot, which I enjoy as far as one can enjoy such a dark mood. Speaking of which, I decided to try and transform Black Metal Cat tweets into something more positive… The Bubblegum Puppies were born!