How to become a better R code detective?
Huge thanks to Hannah Frick for her useful feedback on this post! Vielen Dank! This post was featured on the R Weekly podcast by Eric Nantz. When trying to fix a bug or add a feature to an R package, how do you go from viewing the code as a big messy ball of wool, to a logical diagram that you can bend to your will? In this post, I will share some resources and tips on getting better at debugging and reading code, written by someone else (or yourself but long enough ago to feel foreign!
Draw me a project
I’ll be giving a remote keynote talk at the Rencontres R (French R conference) on July the 12th, all in French. This blog post is a written version of my presentation, but in English. I decided to not talk about package development for once, but rather about workflows and how to structure & run an analysis.1 Many thanks to Christophe Dervieux for useful feedback on this post! Merci beaucoup !
Server-side MathJax rendering with R?
Edit: now there is an R package for server-side MathJax rendering, katex by Jeroen Ooms. Whilst I most certainly do not write LaTeX formulas on the regular anymore, I got curious about their MathJax rendering on websites.1 In brief : your website source contains LaTeX code, and the MathJax JS library (self-hosted or hosted on a CDN) transforms it into something humans can understand: some HTML with inline CSS but also some MathML for screen-reader users.
Stingy Beanie baby webscraping
I’ve just finished teaching blogging with R Markdown at R-Ladies Bangalore. This has two consequences: I need to calm down a bit after the stress of live demoing & co, and I am inspired to, well, blog with R Markdown! As I’ve just read a fascinating book about the beanie baby bubble and as I’ve seen rvest is getting an update, I’ve decided to harvest Beaniepedia. Both of these things show I spend too much time on Twitter, as the book has been tweeted about by Vicki Boykis, and the package changes have been tweeted about by Hadley Wickham.
Storytime preparedness with av
My kids got a cool electronic storyteller as a gift. It is basically a pretty cube that you shake to make it play tracks. La conteuse merveilleuse comes with pre-loaded songs and stories, but you can also add your own. Very handy, as we had e.g. CDs that came with magazines. According to the anti-manual1, to add a mp3 or wav file you own, you first need to convert it to the storyteller’s expected format by using the company’s online converter, la moulinette (the mill).