3 R functions that I enjoy
Straight from my sticky note, three functions that I like a lot, despite their not being new at all… But maybe new to some of you? sprintf(), the dependency-free but less neat “glue” Imagine I want to tell you who I am. I could write name <- whoami::fullname() github_username <- whoami::gh_username() glue::glue("My name is {name} and you'll find me on GitHub as {github_username}!") #> My name is Maëlle Salmon and you'll find me on GitHub as maelle!
R functions that shorten/filter stuff: less is more
My sticky note is full! And luckily all functions on it can be squeezed into a similar topic: making things smaller! Make lists smaller with purrr::compact(), purrr::keep(), purrr::discard() Once upon a time there was a list (isn’t this the beginning of all R scripts?!) my_list <- list( name = "Maëlle", city = "Nancy", r_problems_encountered = Inf, python_skills = NULL ) Imagine you want to get rid of NULL elements.
Three (four?) R functions I enjoyed this week
There are already three functions of note on a piece of paper on my desk, so it’s time to blog about them! This post was featured on the R Weekly podcast by Eric Nantz and Mike Thomas. How does this package depend on this other package? pak::pkg_deps_explain() The pak package by Gábor Csárdi makes installing packages easier. If I need to start working on a package, I clone it, then run pak::pak() to install and update its dependencies.
Reducing my for loop usage with purrr::reduce()
I (only! but luckily!) recently got introduced to the magic of purrr::reduce(). Thank you, Tobias! I was told about it right as I was unhappily using many for loops in a package1, for lack of a better idea. In this post I’ll explain how purrr::reduce() helped me reduce my for loop usage. I also hope that if I’m doing something wrong, someone will come forward and tell me! This post was featured on the R Weekly podcast by Eric Nantz and Mike Thomas.
Three useful (to me) R notions
Following my recent post on three useful (to me) R patterns, I’ve written down three other things on a tiny sticky note. This post will allow me to throw away this beaten down sticky note, and maybe to show you one element you didn’t know? nzchar(): “a fast way to find out if elements of a character vector are non-empty strings” One of my favorite testing technique is the escape hatch strategy, about which I wrote a post on the R-hub blog: you make part of your code responsive to an environment variable, and you locally set that environment variable in your tests.