I’ve recently been dealing with legacy code refactoring both in theory and in practice: while I’m continuing some work on the igraph R package, I’ve started reading Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael Feathers, that had been in my to-read pile for months. In this post, I’ll summarize some ideas from both the book and my work.
“Cover and modify” with “characterization tests” When you start modifying your rusty code, how do you ensure you do not break existing and important behaviour inadvertently?
Con Yanina Bellini Saibene, Paola Corrales, Elio Campitelli
La comunidad de usuarios y usuarias de R es global y por lo tanto multilingüe. Quienes producimos contenidos sobre R, ya sean sitios de documentación, libros, entradas de blog, adaptamos frecuentemente nuestros documentos a audiencias en varios idiomas. En rOpenSci tenemos un proyecto fructífero de publicación multilingüe, para el cual traducimos nuestra guía de desarrollo de paquetes y otros materiales de inglés a español.
How to pronounce my name
My last name is Salmon like the fish and the colour, and you can pronounce it like that if you want. My first name, Maëlle, is derived from a Celtic word that means princess or chief. It’s pronounced “Ma-El” as “ma” in “macaroni” and as the Spanish “El”.